AUTISME or called with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), up to now have not known the exact cause. However, at this time there are some steps to correct autis so that people can have the ability to socialize, walk and talk.
Children who suffer autis can actually known since early age. Because of this interference generally appear before a child aged three years. Only the most parents less aware of symptoms that occur in children up to age four years.
While on the age, children are drawn to the world so can not communicate and berinterkasi with friends and the environment. When the condition is known too late, the main steps that must be done is to focus on children in excess of a certain field dikuasainya.
Nah, the key to success to help the parents or families to autis people can interact with the environment, all family members must participate directly to help the sufferer is trying to do it.
According to dr Mangunatmadja Irawan, Sp.A (K), a specialist autis indonesian, some keganjalan often done by people autis can be assisted with four types of therapy. Currently, there are already some autis therapy for patients, both the behavioral therapy - ABA, sensori integration therapy, occupation therapy, wicara therapy and additional therapy such as music therapy, AIT, Dolphin Assisted Therapy.
"Terapi behavior - gentak ABA therapy is to improve the behavior of children who often wander autis. One of the things that can be done is the hard time to give a voice command to the child. If the child does not want to do that, then they should be surprising, "said Irawan off in a seminar held at the Head Office Sun Hope Indonesia, have not been this long.
Sensori integration therapy, sambungnya, specifically aimed at the biological function of the brain. So that the brain do things correctly. Meanwhile, the occupation therapy is done to improve the activity of autis. In addition there are also therapy wicara done to help people who have experienced disruption autis speak to speak again.
Autis turns out that children can go back in the middle of the family, not just the therapy that is done. Providing appropriate nutrition for the autis also be considered. Because some studies show that children who have experienced autisme was also allergic to certain foods.
According to nutrition experts Sun Hope Indonesia, Fatimah Syarief, AMG, StiP, parents need to looking at some type of food that should be avoided such as food containing gluten (wheat flour), chewing, fin, and dishes containing a preservative, and the food additive .
"People generally autis experience digestive problems, especially food that contain casein (milk protein) and gluten (protein meal)," said Fatimah okezone when contacted by phone his fists, Wednesday (30/4/2008).
In addition to Feed the right food, suplementasi also need to be given to patients autis considering the interference of absorption vitamin metabolism (lactose intolerance), and dissolved the interference caused due to the consumption of antibiotics sinbiotic (a combination of Sun Hope probiotik and enzymes as prebiotik).
"Even though the supplement on people with important given autis, the most appropriate settings do is provide the right nutrition. When food does not fit into the body, then will go to the small intestine and does not tercerna well. Finally, the food is out through urin, because these materials are toxic (poison) to be merged so that the brain. This causes children autis the hiperaktif, "he explained extensively.
Not only that, to help reduce the symptoms hiperaktif and help improve concentration and improve behavior, suplementasi omega 3 in the Sun Deep Sea Hope can be an alternative. (NSA)