If you suffer the heart autisme allergy or cow milk, soy milk can be an option. Among the types of beans, soybean is a source of protein, minerals, fat, fiber and the most good. Therefore, milk, soy milk can replace cow.
Soybean milk has many nutritional womb that is not lost with the milk cow / animal. In fact, based on various scientific research, that soy milk is able to overcome the disease of cancer (bowel, breast, and the Prostate), lower cholesterol level, prevent menopause, prevent osteoporosis, and can increase the body's immunity.
As mentioned above, the soybean milk can be an alternative source of protein for children autisme. Autisme is interference that occurs in the development of the children, so that someone can not afford to make the social interaction and seems to live in their own world.
Autisme people should not mengkosumsi foods that contain casein (milk protein) and glutein (protein powder). In addition to difficult digested, foods that contain both types of protein can cause brain disfunction. If the consumption behavior of autisme will become more hiperaktif.
Source casein derived from animal milk (cow milk) and a range of products, such as cheese and cream. For people with autisme, cow milk can be replaced with soy milk, because it does not contain casein and glutein. Thus, the patients still have input autisme protein, vitamins, and minerals are sufficient.
Special for five, soy milk should be provided after the children above one year. Porsinya enough or 250-500 ml of 1-2 glasses per day. Two glasses of milk capable of soybean supply the needs of 30% protein per day for five. Soybean milk can be given before or after a meal, depending on the habits and tastes of children.