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cari duit gampang...cobain deh

Young Coconut Fruit Benefits

Coconut and fruit trees have a long history in Indonesia, even a symbol or sign the Indonesian archipelago.

Interestingly, in Hindu mythology and the Scriptures Weda, coconut is a "heavenly tree." They say, god Vishnu, a coconut tree as a source of health, tranquility, long age, and peace.

Coconut tree is considered sacred and plays an important role in all religious ceremonies. In daily life, almost all the coconut trees can be used for various purposes.

One of the products from the coconut water is, in fact larutannya, water, fruit nyiur have this property and the value of outstanding nutrition. Not only the form of macro elements nitrogen and carbon, but also the micro-elements are necessary in the body of water. Element nitrogen in the form of a protein composed of amino acids, such as alanin, sistin, arginin, opy, and Serin.

Compared to the amino acid found in dairy cows, the amino acids contained in coconut water was higher. While the element carbon can be found in the form of simple carbohydrates such as glucose, sukrosa, fruktosa, sorbitol, inositol, and other. Similarly, micro-elements in the form of mineral water is needed as penganti ion body. Indeed feasible, if after the body of a young coconut drink we feel fresh again.

When examined further, coconut water also appeared to contain a variety of vitamins. Vitamin C among the dominant, nikotinat acid, acid folat, pantotenat acid, Biotin, and riboflavin. No wonder if the coconut is also used as the material as well as traditional beauty treatments.

In addition, specifically, water, coconut is rich in potasium (potassium). Besides minerals, coconut water also contain sugar (vary between 1.7 to 2.6 percent) and protein (0.07 - 0.55 percent). Because the nutrient composition that is, the water potential of coconut as raw material food products.

In the Philippines, coconut water was used for the process of making drinks, jelly, alcohol, dektran, vinegar and nata de coco. In Indonesia, the coconut water is used as a beverage (young coconut) and the media making nata de coco.

What are the benefits of coconut water?:

a. Nutritious coconut water as diuretik, namely to make the expenditure in urine. Young coconut water mixed with a little lemonade helpful to overcome the dehydration, but also to fight against harmful worms in the belly of young children.

b. If the young coconut water mixed with milk is very good food for children. Young coconut water mixture has property to prevent the conglomeration of milk in the stomach, vomiting, constipation, pain and digestion.

c. Coconut water, also has a variety of property as a drug. Of them, to drink young coconut water can also help overcome the influence of toxic sulfa drugs and other antibiotics, making medicines more quickly absorbed the blood.

d. Wash face with coconut water continuously every day can cure or eliminate pimple, black stains, wrinkling on the face that came earlier, the skin dry out, and face appear to be shining.

e. Campurlah coconut water with a little honey. This herb is a tonic that cheap but nutritious. This herb stimulates sexual centers due to the body and counteract bad excessive sexual passion.

f. Blotch can be naughty treated with a mixture of 25 grams of saffron pasta with a glass of coconut water, and left during the whole night, and add 3 tsp red sandalwood powder. Poke-aduklah all ingredients until evenly, and then saved again without delayed for 3 days. Saringlah herb earlier with three layers of cloth netting. Save pollen earlier in the bottle, and oleskan on the face twice a day until the pimple vanish.

g. Also nutritious coconut water as a medicine injuries, foot broken in pieces, and eczema. Ramuannya relatively easy to make. Rendamlah handful of rice in a young coconut with water until the rice feels tempurungnya acid as fermentation, and then grinding the rice into fine powder. Rice flour is used to be lubricated every day for 3-4 days in the body of the sick.

h. If the young coconut water mixed with turmeric powder sejumput whiting and water in the same size is a drug burn and negate the sense of heat on the feet and hands.

Ijo Coconut is one of the types of various species in a coconut tree. Physically it is very difficult to distinguish which of Ijo coconut and green. But, after be split, the new telihat differences. Ijo if peeled coconut, red fiber. Rada water taste bitter, not like a fresh green coconut despite not mixed with sugar.

Coconut Ijo suspected drug is best for certain diseases such as: in the summer, constipation, toxic penetral, dengue fever, worms, dysentery. When used to wash face, then the benefits of coconut Ijo can remove whelk, subtilize complexion, tighten the skin (anti aging) and when used for shampoo, can prevent the occurrence of gray hair.

In addition, coconut Ijo therapy can also be gurah, I expose to dew with one nights Ijo coconut water, and drink the same morning. When this is done every morning, Allah will be the voice and tuneful longer.
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